- Domain (or Github Pages)
- DigitalOcean account
- Assumes your Jekyll project works locally
- Assumes you have pointers to digital ocean from your domain provider
- Assumes you have CNAME + A all setup for your custom domain
Step 1
- After confirming your Jekyll project works
- Push up all the code to the git vc or your preferred vc software
Step 2
- After logging in to DigitalOcean, create a new project in the left navbar, and follow the steps they require
Step 3
- After project is setup, navigate to /manage/app_platform in the left navbar
Step 4
- Press “Create App” in top right
- Connect your git vc or any other vc that is listed + repo
- then go through all req steps there
Step 5
- go to the app you just created
- go to settings
- update domains with your www.[domain] or [domain]
- takes usually max of 5 minutes to see changes!